Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Potty Training Continues . . .

Today was a good day - no accidents! It's actually not been nearly as hard as it was a few months ago when I completely lost my mind and realized I needed to take a step back. We are BOTH fairing much better this time around. My only mistakes thus far have been showing him how to stand up and the y-front on his underpants. Now, he will ONLY stand up and ONLY use the y-front. If his underwear comes down with his pants, we've got to get them pulled back up in a hurry to facilitate the use of the all important y-front. Good grief. His favorite pair? Pat Pat Rocket of course. "5, 4, 3, 2, 1 . . . Blast off!" Indeed.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

We're Here!

We'll, here we are. I've finally started blogging. Not because I have anything witty to say (I don't) and it's certainly not because I love to write; to the contrary, I hate writing, have always hated writing and will probably hate writing until the day I die. Apologies to my poor Ph.D.-educated mom, the ex-professor of literature and creative writing. I am sorry none of it rubbed off on me. This apple got thrown far, far away from that tree.

So, why AM I here? For Sean Patrick. He's growing up too fast and I should have started this sooner. With family spread out all over the United States (and Daddy in Africa for who knows how long) everyone but me is missing out on the fun, such as talking, walking, and now potty training.

As of right now, this blog will be open to anyone, not just friends and family. Comments are welcome. The snarkier, the better. However, anonymous or mean-spirited posts will not be tolerated and will be immediately deleted. If I have to take it private, I will, and then you will have to ask for an invitation, which I will be more than willing to give (provided, of course, you are not the meanie). Happy reading. I hope you enjoy Sean Patrick as much as I do! Lots of love.